On Friday Room 12 has to perform in a big assembly. Room 12 has to sing in front of the whole school and hoping for some parents to. Our song is How Far I'll Go from the movie moana. We have been practicing and Mrs Golder has been telling us to sing with enthusiasm and expression. At the assembly the other classes will do a performance or a dance. All the classes have been working hard and have been looking forward to Friday. Room 12 has to stand in four lines tallest to shortest. We have to try to remember the lyrics to the song.
I am a Year 8 student at Ruapotaka School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 12 and my teachers are Mr Reid and Mrs Golder.
Friday, 28 July 2017
Our Big Day
Pasifika Study Assembly
Friday 28 of July we have just come back from the assembly room which we had our pasifika study performance. Each class had to perform and show there item to the whole school. First was Room one which they performed a Samoan dance called the Sasa. The next performance was Room 5 and there Samoan singing. After Room 5 was Room 6 and there Samoan and Tongan clothing and accessories.
After Room 6 Room seven had to perform there item. Room 7 had put together a combined dance. Next was Room 9 and they had performed a Samoan song called Little Biddy On A Tree. Room ten was next and they had sung a Samoan song called E Otua. Lastly was Room 12, we had to go and line up in our places that we were given. The song that Room 12 chose was How Far I'll Go from the movie Moana.
After Room 6 Room seven had to perform there item. Room 7 had put together a combined dance. Next was Room 9 and they had performed a Samoan song called Little Biddy On A Tree. Room ten was next and they had sung a Samoan song called E Otua. Lastly was Room 12, we had to go and line up in our places that we were given. The song that Room 12 chose was How Far I'll Go from the movie Moana.
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
What I Did At Tech
At tech today we made chicken curry. We brought our chromebooks but we did not use them. The fist thing we had to do was get our biggest pot and one pan. The our teacher told us to bring out our pan to her table and she will put some Indian curry sauce in the pan. She added some other ingredients then we had to stir for about 20 minutes. Then we had to put our chicken in our pot and then we had to put the pot on the stove and when it was boiling then the teacher will come and check and if it is ready then we put the chicken into the pan and we mix it with the source. Then put on the stove and wait till it is boiling. Then we were done and she got the rice out and we had to put the chicken on top and make it look nice. We had to take a picture and send it to our mail and then we can make a blog post and send it to her.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Back To School
The holidays are over and Term three has started. I am so excited to be back at school and keen to learn. First day back and we have started to look back on our learning back in term two to refresh our memory. This term there are lots of things to look forward to like netball, rugby, athletics and cross country. After skipping back in term two we went on a two week holiday. In the holidays I had nothing to do so I registered on the winter learning journey. A blogging program with schools in the Manaiakalani cluster.
Back To School,
Ruapotaka School,
Term 2,
Term 3
Friday, 21 July 2017
My Big Journey

Thursday, 13 July 2017
Keeping NZ Clean
#2 Water the plants.
#3 Looking after our environment.
#4 Don't waste water.
#5 Don't waste food.
#6 Always recycle.
Rugby Haka's
All the haka's were great but some better than others.
All the haka's were great but some better than others.
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Arrived At New Zealand
Feeling nervous, excited don't know what to expect. Worried happy kinda upset. Scared afraid of whats gonna happen. Thoughts come together, memories fade away.
Otago Rail Trail
I would love to go on a Otago rail trail because it souds like lots of fun and it might be a great time for me to go outside in the outdoors and strt to bike again. I use to but not as much now for some reason. On day I wish I get to join the Otago rail tril.
Mt Everist
Sir Edmund Hillary- July 20th 1919- January 11th 2008- He was the first man to climb Mount evirts - He was born in NZ - He was rasid in NZ- He put the American flag on the mountain.
Tenzing Norgayn- 29th May 1914- 9 May 1986 - He helped Sir Edmund Hillary up The mountain - He was born in Napl- He was Rasid in Napl - The air was very thin when they got higher.
Tenzing Norgayn- 29th May 1914- 9 May 1986 - He helped Sir Edmund Hillary up The mountain - He was born in Napl- He was Rasid in Napl - The air was very thin when they got higher.
Bush Walk
I just looked at the tree for 5 seconds then looked back and my hole group was gone. I don't know what was worse I was by my self or not knowing what happened to my group. I haad to do something more then just stand there in shock. Things were looking very down for me but lukly I pulled myself togetther. I went to go find someone to help me find my way to the base. I found myself in quit a knot looking for help. It was getting dark and things were stating to get realy weird I could start to here strang things. I juts stept it of, the next moenning I was determined to find help and try get to the base. Frist thing I was going to do was going to go and find help...
Hector's Dolpin's
Hector's Dolpin's are very rare dolpins and sadly there are not that many living in the sea. I thnk fisherman should bannd because safty for the dolpins.
Whale Rider
About a girl that comes from a long line of Maori chiefs and wants to tarin to be a warrior but is stoped because her gender. But that dose not stop her from growing.
Beached Whales
There were 4 beached whales and the locals tried everything in there power to help. They kept on getting water to keep the whales from getting dry. It was not enough to keep the whales alive. The locals were not qwick enough so the whales juts dryed up.
New zealand In Danger
New Zealnad should be predetor free because it can dangerous for lots of people and kids. It can be very un healthy for us. They can thrive and they can start a coliney. New Zealand is a very green land so we have to tey to keep it very clean.
My Pet
I just finish adopting a Morepork. A Morepork looks like an owle but is diffrent in some kind of way. The Morepork is a native bird to New Zealand and eats mostly worm and old grubs of the groud. You can normanly find these amazing birds in hight trees in the woods or in bird centers.
Mary Grace
Today we have Mary grace my youghest sister. Mary what is your favourite things to do in the outdoors.
1.Hid and go seek
5.Ball Tiggy
1.Hid and go seek
5.Ball Tiggy
Laura An Her Adventures
Today I'm here with Laura Dekker and I've perpared some qustions for her...
Laura what got you into sailing?
What got you motivate to do this in your life?
How do you feel when your sailing?
Do you like doing anything ealse then sailing?
Did you start at a yough age?
Laura what got you into sailing?
What got you motivate to do this in your life?
How do you feel when your sailing?
Do you like doing anything ealse then sailing?
Did you start at a yough age?
One Of My Favourites
My favourite place I most enjoyed was karekare beach. I loved visiting this very beautiful beach that had the most beautiful black sand. I loved this beach so so much because you have so much to look forwarde too.
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
My Five Favourite Things
My tour to Auckland was a great exprence and I did lots of great things. But my five favourite was things were that water was not that far away, The beatful spaced out playgrouds, All the sea life at Kelltowtinns, Deven port makes the best sea food and Auckland has beataful beachies. I went to the zoo which was great, I went to go see some maori culture. I went to rainbowends, and look down at the city from the Sky Tower.
The People Of New Zealand
The people are very great kind and native people, now here are some facts...
1.The population of people in New Zealand is Four Milion.
2. In 1840 the Teraty Of Waitangi was sginged.
3. Abel tasman was the first noon New Zealander to see our country.
1.The population of people in New Zealand is Four Milion.
2. In 1840 the Teraty Of Waitangi was sginged.
3. Abel tasman was the first noon New Zealander to see our country.
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